Friday 8 November 2013

Ruth and Dan's wedding

 Congratulations Ruthie and Dan! You throw a cracking wedding. And big welcome to Lizzy and Ben, both of whom have thrown themselves right into the thick of it and are doing an amazing job. We love having them on the team, and couldn't have done this wedding without them! As I was lucky enough to be a guest at this wedding, leaving all the hard work to the wonderful Lizzy and Ben, I can't really tell you much about what went on, but here are a few pictures to give you an idea.

This was our first wedding, and a great opportunity to refine the show for a very different kind of day. We've discovered that The Story Exchange is great for getting conversations going with compliments to a stranger, and we also had lots of fun getting people to write memories and messages on blank postcards which they were then free to decorate. Of course we were placing wish birds in the care of many little hands, but this time all the wishes were for the newlyweds. And we also managed a one word story about Ruth and Dan, although I'm pretty sure none of that REALLY happened to them.

 And finally, although we can take no credit for this at all, here is a picture of the best wedding cake I have ever seen (or tasted). Decorated by the groom himself, it actually features usable, edible lego blocks. Best. Cake. Ever.