Monday 18 February 2013

I'M A CELEBRITY, WRITE ME A LOVE LETTER, and Titanic rewritten

Well Exeter, what fun we've had today! The sun shone, our tall tale went from the mad to the much much madder, and we had some marvellous games of Consequences.

We were overwhelmed by your story generosity, Exonians, and below are just a few of the fantastic love letters created at the Exchange.

Dear Russell, my love,

Every day I miss your beautiful face. The hair like a birds nest, the smile like a cat. Your eyes are like grapes that glisten in the daylight.
Katy Perry said that “ Baby you’re a firework”. She wasn’t wrong… (cheeky).
You’re hotsky like Trotsky, maybe we could get down on the floor?

All my love,
Jenny (from the block)


Darling Jen,

I know you’ve asked me to sacrifice several things for our Darling Ducky-plops, such as cutting my hair and losing the jeans, but they’re part of me and I hope you can learn to love me for the sake of Ducky.

I’ll be seeing you soon, with unconditional love, your Brandy.


Leo, my dearest,

For years now I have repressed the fire that burns for you. Through peripheral vision I have noticed how your face shines like a lightbulb, your teeth chew like icebergs and hair falls over those wisps of golden hair stroke those caterpillar eyebrows that entice me so…

Release me from this torment. Kate is not worthy of you… Nor Claire… I am your Juliet. Marry me!

Joanna Di Caprio xxx

 Johanna my love,

I wish to INCEPT your dreams and make you the Juliet to my Romeo. As the chefs on the Titanic would say, “Your lips are like red peppers”. For you I would unchain Django, escape the Beach, or find out what’s eating Gilbert Grape. I think you’re ab-fab. Be mine. I could tolerate Shutter Island in your name.

See you in your dreams…. 3 layers deep.

Leo xoxo

My dearest Michelle,

You are my very first lady, bringing a smile to my face every time you wave my way. I wonder whether a lady like yourself would have a man drawer? I pace my stage each night wondering whether one day we will grace each other’s paths.

All my eternal love


Oh Michael,

I wish the ocean didn’t keep us apart, because I can’t express how my heart races when I hear your tales of man drawers and stage walks.

I feel like we are only complete when our hearts beat together.

I love you

Your Michelle xx

And that's not all. Three budding screen writers put pencil to paper and picked up the clapperboard, to rewrite the ending of Titanic. And about time too. So for anyone who was, like me, left feeling cold when Kate Winslet snaps Leo's frozen fingers from the flotsam and condemns him to the deep, here are three wonderful alternative finales. (It helps if you have the Celine Dion theme tune running in your head while you read these.)

Jack and Rose are stranded in the darkness. There is no room for the two of them, however, Jack blows his whistle and attracts a colony of seals over to them.
Jack removes his tie and Rose, her scarf, and uses them as reins as the seals pull them along.
They end up on a desert island together, and find coconuts and berries to eat.
They make a fire and sleep under the stars.



Rose falls into the water, Jack swan dives in to save her.
However a killer whale swallows him whole.
Rose despairs, but a passing tuna feels sorry for her and pulls her to the safety of an iceberg, where she spend the rest of her days and marries a seal.



 ROSE- Let’s fly away on those pelicans Jack

 Jack whistles to the pelicans

 JACK- Rose, hold my hand!

Jack helps Roe into Pelicans beak, then jumps into the other pelicans beak.

ROSE- Fly, fly away to Timbuktu!

 Live Happily Ever after.

All vast improvements on the original, I'm sure you'll agree. AND I know what you're thinking. You're thinking something along the lines of 'Oh fiddlesticks, that all sounds like a right hoot and now I've gone and missed it'. Well, never fear, for the Story Exchange will be out and about ALL WEEK, between 11-4, in Exeter City Centre. So come and write, play and laugh, and then tell your friends about it.


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